Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Angry Maximilian The Rogue Trader

With Mad Max in the theaters and my buddies talking it up I felt inspired to create a Mad Max themed scenario.

Armies: Both armies must consist entirely of units capable of moving at least 12" a turn in the movement phase, or be mounted in transports that can move at least 12" a turn.

On a 6x4 board the middle 6" lengthwise will be the Road.  Deploy terrain across the rest of the board as usual leaving the road clear.

Place the objective vehicle 12" from one short board edge in the road.

Deployment zones:

The Defender deploys within 6" of the Objective Vehicle, any reserves come in from the short board edge that the objective vehicle starts at.

The Attacker deploys within 6" of both long table edges.

The Objective vehicle has a front AV of 14 and side AV of 13, it does not have a rear AV value, you can't risk destroying the precious cargo by shooting the rear! It has 4 hull points.  It always moves 12" straight ahead at the start of the defenders Movement phase each turn.  Any unit that is in front of the objective vehicle suffers the effect of a ram or tank shock.  If the unit survives the ram or tank shock it is just moved immediately to the side of the objective vehicle.

The attacker wins by immobilizing or getting a 'destroyed' result on the vehicle.  Defender wins if the vehicle makes it through 6 turns.

I still need to flesh out the vehicle more and play test it but I think it has potential to be a fun scenario.  I don't have any relevant pictures so here's some sleeping office dogs and a grim dark port o potty.

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